
How to Be Satisfied With Your Career-Job Satisfaction

How to Be Satisfied With Your Career-Job Satisfaction

Or Lack thereof.

Over the years I have had many jobs, some that I have liked and many that I have disliked. The trend was that I was always employed at 1 or multiple jobs in order to pay the bills. Taking risks can definitely be worth it sometime, but it has to be a calculated decision and a person needs to build up great confidence in themselves to make the moves that will help them grow. In my case, at first I made sure I had a good base salary before I made a move and then later in my sales career I took drastic EDUCATED leaps of faith in order to reach my job satisfaction goals. For example I started out working in a restaurant, then I moved on to my first sales job selling computers, after that I started selling photocopiers in outside sales. Once I had done this I had built up a level of confidence within myself, that I was good at selling shit. I took my first major leap of faith and I stopped acting like a little bitch in my comfort zone and quit my job and started to sell mortgages. I did this for many years and realized that there could be more money selling real estate. At this time I kept both jobs because they flowed well together and I could maximize my profits. I was still not satisfied…. I realized I had built my business within someone else brokerage business and decided again to stop acting like a little bitch and start a new business for myself, flipping houses. This became successful but now I wanted to do something that I would be passionate about. I launched a web application and advertising company to flow with what I really loved, travel and adventure. I read a really great book that helped me along this process called Roadmap. I will continue to change my careers until I am totally satisfied with my job satisfaction.

Your overall satisfaction in your career is an internal element inside of yourself, it is not always “just the money”. It is up to an individual to decide wether or not they are enjoying what they are doing. Ask yourself these questions. Am I making enough money to pay my bills? _________________Am I making enough money to save for my retirement? _____________Am I making enough money to do the things I want to do ex. travelling._______________. If the answer is yes to any of these questions you can say to yourself everyday that your job is giving you the income you need to pay your bills and live a great life.(say this to yourself every day in front of a mirror). Doing this is a low level form of meditation and will help you feel more satisfied every day with what you have….a job that gives you what you need.

When the answer to any of these questions is no, you need to stop acting like a little bitch and start making moves to get a job that will help you pay the bills or another job on top of your current one to make ends meet. While you are doing this search, try to align your hunt with jobs that you are actually interested in in your hobby life. For example if you love to scuba dive, why not work in a dive shop? By doing this you will further increase your overall job satisfaction. Imagine having a job that pays your bills, and that you really enjoy. Where you are excited to actually go to work every day! This should be your goal throughout your life. The days are done where a person wants to stay at the same job for their entire career. Now people expect more and you should to.

Next ask yourself this, do I enjoy what I am doing?________________.  Am I passionate about my job?____________________. If the answer is yes then you can tell yourself that you are very lucky to be able to work a job you enjoy as the majority of the world do not share passion with their jobs and do not enjoy their job. Again tell yourself this in front of the mirror every day, engrain this in your brain that you are very lucky to be working at a job that you enjoy. Your positive reinforcement will strengthen your bond with your job. If you are not passionate about your job and do not enjoy this, you need to start taking active steps now to change your career. Stop acting like a little bitch.

After that ask yourself if your job is offering you the growth potential you want?______________. Every person is different and some will not be satisfied until they are getting growth year over, if your job is not giving you the growth you need you either need to keep looking or create your own career.

Human beings spend a massive portion of their lives working, it is very important to enjoy this or you will live with regret, frustration and anxiety. All of these can lead to medical issues in the future, lowering your life span. Your job is not your life, it is a means to get some of the things you want.



Hi! My name is Sean Rampersaud, I am a family travel writer and photographer with a focus on adventure travel. My kids are Rayden and Natasha and my beautiful wife is Radika.We have been travelling for the last 25 years and have some really cool ideas to share with you.Thanks for visiting our page, I hope we can help you to get the most out of your next big adventure.